Monday, June 16, 2008

Detroit Gardens

Of course, I'm certainly not the only person with a garden. In fact, my friend Eric is managing an entire CSA, a number of my friends have a garden in the backyard, and many cities are trying to encourage gardens as a way for low-income neighborhoods to get access to affordable food, while also building community. On the Bryant Park Project they talked specifically about gardens in Detroit. Check it out.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! And good work on taking up gardening. I have dreams of being a gardener, without wanting to commit all the time and energy . . . so my secret is to mooch off my CSA and my wonderful gardener friends, like my housemate Tami, who is growing things this year like the apocalypse is coming. It's a wonderful strategy. I eat well without all the work! Ha. Anyway, I have written enough and unlike you, am still slogging through classes. Exam tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Well, actually I'm just managing the farm that grows for the csa and letting the actual paperwork, financials, membership record keeping and such up to other people. Thanks goodness! All I want to do is grow stuff, not push papers around.

Awesome you have a blog. But if you want me to comment on your blog you better comment on mine! And, I think you should get a livejournal account and then direct people to your blogspot account. That way I can friend you and you can read my friends only journal entries which I'd really appreciate you reading.

Take care!
